A steel fence post, also called (depending on design or country) a T-post, a Y-post, Star Post or waratah, is a type of fence post or picket. They are made of steel and are sometimes manufactured using durable rail steel. They can be used to support various types of wire or wire mesh. The end view of the post creates an obvious T, Y or other shape. The posts are driven into the ground with a manual or pneumatic post pounder. All along the post, along the spine, there are studs or nubs that prevent the barbed wire or mesh from sliding up or down the post. While T-Posts are more common in the United States, Y-posts are more common in Australia and New Zealand.
Steel fence posts are used to support fences and are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. For permanent fencing, you should select metal fence posts rather than wooden ones. Steel posts offer a number of advantages over wooden posts:
Lighter in weight;
Extremely durable;
Easy to drive.
The common types of fence posts available include "U" shape, Y shape, T shape and studded fence posts.
We commonly provide metal fence posts in lengths varying from 5 to 8 feet in 6-inch increments. Steel posts normally cost more than wooden posts and can be bent or forced out of line by livestock crowding. Wooden anchor posts placed every 50 to 75 feet are sometimes used to provide added bending resistance for steel line posts.